An unidentified and unknown spacecraft crash-lands in a rural country farm. Upon landing, the spacecraft opens to reveal an extra terrestrial being named Zed and a companion robot named 209. After the visitors realize where they are, 209 confirms to Zed that they will not be able to get off this planet unless they find the missing fuel cell which broke off upon crashing. Zed goes off in search of the fuel cell while 209 guards the ship. Meanwhile a close resident of the farm woken up by the crash impact, coincidentally finds the fuel cell but is mystified as to what it is.
As Zed continues to explore the farm, he suddenly comes face to face with this human farmer. Zed spots the fuel cell in the human’s clutches and knows that in order for him to continue his original space mission, he must not leave any trace of his existence on this planet. He zaps the human in the forehead and wipes out his memory. With the fuel cell in hand, they re-attach it to the ship and finally take off. Zed acknowledges to 209 that this was a close encounter and that their mission could have been seriously compromised.
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